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发布日期:2023-03-21    点击量:




· 电子邮件:mengjie@tyust.edu.cn

· 研究方向


· 科研与教改项目

1. 2019.09-2022.09,山西省应用基础研究计划面上青年基金项目,仿毛竹多层阻尼薄壳结构基础理论研究,主持;

2. 2020.05-2022.05,山西省高等学校科技创新项目,仿毛竹壳体支撑结构基础理论研究,主持;

3. 2022.07-2023.07,横向技术开发,露天矿高性能电缆输送专用装备关键技术攻关与服役性能预警研发,主持;

4. 2022.07-2023.07,专利成果转化,一种随风向全范围自适应调节的大型风力发电机,主持;

· 代表性论文专著:

[1] Meng Jie, Sun Dagang. Research on Vibration Suppression of Wind Turbine Blade Based on Bamboo Wall Three-layer Damping Structure[J]. Journal of Vibroengineering. 2017, Vol(19):87-99. (SCI收录)

[2] Meng Jie, Sun Dagang. Research on the Multi-layer Free Damping Structure Design[J]. Shock and Vibration. 2018, Vol(2018).(SCI收录)

[3] Meng Jie, Sun Dagang. The Effects of the Node Distribution on the Bending Deformation of Bamboo[J]. Journal of Tropical Forest Science. 2018, October 30(4):554-559. (SCI收录)

[4] Meng Jie, Sun Dagang. Structural Optimization of Wind Turbine Blades with Ring Shear Webs[J]. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. 2018,(40):313.(SCI收录)

[5] Meng Jie, Sun Dagang. Internodal Cavity Deformation Improved Bending Strength of Bamboo[J]. Journal of Tropical Forest Science. 2021, 33(2). (SCI收录)

[6] Meng Jie, Sun Dagang. Research on vibration suppression of wind turbine blade with a multi-layer porous damping structure based on bamboo wall microstrcture[J]. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. 2021, 43(3).(SCI收录)

[7] Jie Meng, Yongxiang Mu, Xiaochang Ma. Analysis on the Vibration Performance of Spruce Structure with Variable Cross-Section Under Snow Load by Semi-Analytical Method[J]. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics.2023.(SCI收录)

[8] 孟杰, 张喜清, 孙大刚. 基于仿生多孔阻尼结构的矿用轴流式风机叶片抑颤研究[J]. 煤矿机械, 2021,42(11),51-54.

[9] 孟杰, 张喜清, 孙大刚. 带有仿生环形剪切腹板风机叶片抗弯强度[J]. 科学技术与工程, 2021,21(31),13354-13360.

[10] 孟杰, 穆永祥, 郭嘉璇, . 仿云杉多层环形塔状立体车库结构稳定性[J]. 科学技术与工程, 2023,23(01),296-306.

· 授权发明专利

1. 孟杰. 一种随风向全范围自适应调节的大型风力发电机[P]. ZL202011421743.8, 2022-02-08.



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